February 10, 2025

Education For Live

Masters Of Education

More diverse, just as committed

More diverse, just as committed

In the 1970s and 80s, groups of primarily white, Christian fundamentalists drove a surge in the number of home-schooling families around the country. As they pulled their children out of public schools, they also worked to dismantle state and local regulatory hurdles that kept kids in brick-and-mortar institutions. By 1994, over 90 percent of families who home-schooled were white.

During Covid-19, there’s been another increase in the number of families that are home-schooling, only this time, the families leading the charge are decidedly more diverse. Census data shows that rates of home-schooling doubled between the start of the pandemic in March 2020 and the fall of that year. This time, the largest growth in home schooling was among Black families, with a fivefold increase, but all racial groups tracked have seen increases. By October 2020, nearly 20 percent of adults who reported home schooling their children were Black, 24 percent were Hispanic or Latino and 48 percent were white, according to data from the Household Pulse Survey by the U.S. Census Bureau. The same survey found that only 19 percent of those adults have a bachelor’s degree or higher and 53 percent report their income to be less than $50,000 a year.

Related: As schools reopen, will Black and Asian families return?