When does school start in Arizona in 2022? Here’s the list

It may be summertime, but soon enough Arizona K-12 students will be gearing up to go back to school for one more academic year.
Some districts resume classes next week already while most are on break until August. Here’s a list of when every district in Maricopa County resumes classes so you can be ready:
Agua Fria Union High School District:
Aug. 8 is the first day of class for freshmen and Aug. 9 is the first day of class for all other students. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.aguafria.org/Page/8145.
Aguila Elementary School District:
Classes start Aug. 3.
Alhambra Elementary School District
Classes start Aug. 9 Check the full academic calendar at https://www.alhambraesd.org/schoolcalendar.
Avondale Elementary School District
Classes start Aug. 8. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.chooseaesd.org/Page/501.
Balsz Elementary School District
Classes start Aug. 8. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.balsz.org/calendar#calendar1/20220714/month.
Buckeye Elementary School District
Classes start Aug. 3. Check the full academic calendar at https://besd33.org/district-calendar/.
Buckeye Union High School District
Classes start Aug. 3 Check the full academic calendar at https://buhsd.ss12.sharpschool.com/calendar.
Cartwright Elementary School District
Classes start Aug. 8. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.csd83.org/domain/246.
Cave Creek Unified School District
Classes start Aug. 1. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.ccusd93.org/Page/2#calendar1/20220714/month.
Chandler Unified School District
Classes start July 20. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.cusd80.com/calendar.
Creighton Elementary School District
Classes start Aug. 8 Check the full academic calendar at https://www.creightonschools.org/Page/2#calendar1/20220714/month.
Deer Valley Unified School District
Classes start Aug. 3. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.dvusd.org/calendars.
Dysart Unified School District
Classes start Aug. 3. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.dysart.org/mainsite/pages/dysart-schools/861/school-year-calendars.
East Valley Unified School District
Classes start Aug. 9. Check the full academic calendar at https://evhigh.org/calendar
Fountain Hills Unified School District
Classes start Aug. 9. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.fountainhillsschools.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=508797&type=d&pREC_ID=980088.
Fowler Elementary School District
Classes start Aug. 1. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.fesd.org/Calendar.
Gila Bend Unified School District
Classes start Aug. 4. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.gbusd.org/page/calendar.
Gilbert Unified School District
Classes start July 26. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.gilbertschools.net/calendar#calendar1/20220814/month.
Glendale Unified School District
Classes start Aug. 8. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.guhsdaz.org/Page/2#calendar1/20220814/month.
Higley Unified School District
Classes start July 25. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.husd.org/calendar.
Isaac Elementary School District
Classes start Aug. 8. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.isaacschools.org/documents/school-year-calendars/299489.
Kyrene Elementary School District
Classes start July 28. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.kyrene.org/Page/2#calendar1/20220714/month.
Litchfield Elementary School District
Classes start Aug. 8. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.lesd79.org/our-district/calendars
Littleton Elementary School District
Classes start July 27. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.littletonaz.org/Calendars.
Madison Elementary School District
Classes start Aug. 9. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.madisonaz.org/calendar#calendar1/20220714/month.
Mesa Unified School District
Classes start Aug. 4. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.mpsaz.org/students/calendars.
Mobile Elementary School District
Classes started July 6. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.mobileesd.org/Calendar.
Morristown Elementary School District
Classes start Aug. 9. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.morristowneld75.org/Calendar.
Murphy Elementary School District
Classes start Aug. 8. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.msdaz.org/district-calendar.
Nadaburg Unified School District
Classes start Aug. 9. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.nadaburgsd.org/calendar.
Osborn Elementary School District
Classes start Aug. 8. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.osbornnet.org/Page/2#calendar1/20220714/month.
Palo Verde Elementary School District
Classes start Aug. 2. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.pvesd.org/calendar.
Paloma Elementary School District
Classes start on Aug. 2. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.palomaesd.org/page/calendar.
Paradise Valley Elementary School District
Classes start on Aug. 9. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.pvschools.net/calendar.
Pendergast Elementary School District
Classes start on Aug. 3. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.pesd92.org/Page/2#calendar1/20220714/month.
Peoria Unified School District
Classes start on Aug. 10. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.peoriaunified.org/Page/2#calendar1/20220714/month.
Phoenix Elementary School District
Classes for preschool students start Aug. 15 while classes for all other students start Aug. 3. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.phxschools.org/calendar#calendar1/20220714/month.
Phoenix Union High School District
Classes start on Aug. 8. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.pxu.org/calendar#calendar1/20220814/month.
Queen Creek Unified School District
Classes start July 27. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.qcusd.org/calendar.
Riverside Elementary School District
Classes start July 25. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.riversideelem.resdonline.org/Calendar.
Roosevelt Elementary School District
Classes start on Aug. 1. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.rsd66.org/calendar#calendar1/20220714/month.
Saddle Mountain Unified School District
Classes start on Aug. 4. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.smusd90.org/Calendar.
Scottsdale Unified School District
Classes start on Aug. 3. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.susd.org/calendar#calendar1/20220714/month.
Sentinel Elementary School District
Classes start on Aug. 8. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.sentinelesd.org/Calendar.
Tempe Elementary School District
Classes start on Aug. 1. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.tempeschools.org/about-us/calendar.
Tempe Union High School District
Classes start on Aug. 4. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.tempeunion.org/Page/162.
Tolleson Elementary School District
Classes start on Aug. 3. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.tollesonschools.com/cms/lib/AZ02213686/Centricity/Domain/8/2022-2023{e4f787673fbda589a16c4acddca5ba6fa1cbf0bc0eb53f36e5f8309f6ee846cf}20TESD{e4f787673fbda589a16c4acddca5ba6fa1cbf0bc0eb53f36e5f8309f6ee846cf}20Calendar{e4f787673fbda589a16c4acddca5ba6fa1cbf0bc0eb53f36e5f8309f6ee846cf}20.pdf.
Tolleson Union High School District
Classes for freshmen start on Aug. 1 and classes for all other students start Aug. 2. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.tuhsd.org/Calendar.
Union Elementary School District
Classes start on Aug. 1. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.unionesd.org/community/district_calendar.
Washington Elementary School District
Classes start on Aug. 8. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.wesdschools.org/Page/2#calendar1/20220714/month.
Aviation and aesthetics programs start Aug. 1 while all other programs for high school students start Aug. 3. Check the full academic calendar at https://west-mec.edu/parent-resources/.
Wickenburg Unified School District
Classes start on Aug. 1. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.wickenburgschools.org/Page/2#calendar1/20220714/month.
Wilson Elementary School District
Classes start on Aug. 8. Check the full academic calendar at https://www.wsd.k12.az.us/Page/12#calendar8/20220714/month
Renata Cló is a reporter on The Arizona Republic’s K-12 education team. You can reach her at [email protected] and follow her on Twitter @renataclo.
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